Goddess Retreat Testimonials
"Working with Amy Farnsworth this past year has truly been life-changing. When she sent out an email about a goddess retreat and an invitation to be in her presence and learn from her, it was an immediate yes for me! I knew I had to be part of her first goddess retreat and I am so thankful and grateful for the experience and that I followed my gut instinct to make being part of it happen. This journey of diving in and deep has not been easy but the healing, transformation and alignment with my truth & integrity on this Planet is something I wouldn’t change for the world. I am honored to be learning from Amy. She is such a gift to us ALL, those of us that are brave enough to do the work to evolve in this lifetime. Thank you for walking side by side with me as I do this work and learn from your wisdom & guidance."
Amy H - Massachusetts |
"Attending FiniteWays Goddess Retreat was a treasured gift I gave myself. Spending time in an atmosphere of support with a small group of inspiring and supportive women was just what I needed. Connecting with my special goddess and anchoring her wisdom within my being now permeates my daily life and was made possible with Amy's skill and support. I came away with a wealth of resources I use on a daily basis to ground, find strength, and tap into my inner wisdom. Every segment and aspect of the retreat was thoughtfully planned with love and support. Every bit of it was perfect and continues to impact me many months later."
Sandra - Colorado “I attended Amy’s Goddess Retreat in September of 2018. The intimate group, the beautiful mountain setting and the preparation Amy made for each of us created a powerful weekend retreat. I loved getting acquainted with my Goddess and understanding the power I hold to change and create the life I desire. Amy is a shaman of deep knowledge. I truly love working with her.”
Ingrid - Utah |
"The goddess retreat was exactly what my soul has been crying out for. I have been on a journey to heal my life and I am willing to look inward and take accountability for my part in the healing process. I realized at this retreat I was missing a key piece. I had failed to invite the divine feminine into my heart to walk my path with me. I received love and nurturing on a level I have never experienced before. Amy’s goddess retreat aligned me with the true essence of the divine in me and created a space of radical acceptance of all my journey has brought into my life. It opened the space for healing and receiving love on a whole new level. I have learned to align with my goddess energy, the true essence of who I am and to accept the beauty, majesty and nurturing abundance that has always been there waiting for me to claim. I have realized that pure love of self creates the space to receive pure love back into my heart. The clarity, focus and knowing I received and the tools I learned now allow me to stay in the Beauty and Grace of this life changing experience.
Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to connect with you soul sisters who will let you know you are not alone." Anissa - Idaho |