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Greetings to all of you beautiful souls. I have important and encouraging news to share with you. As much as I like to communicate the wanderings of my mind and insight of my soul, I’m going to try and keep this short, sweet and to the point. We have a very important window of opportunity that is soon approaching. You will want to focus your time, energy and intention from August 12 to the 15th. I received clear and concise information that I am compelled to share. Everyone deserves an opportunity to embrace a path with more light, ease and higher vibration energy. If this information finds its way to you, take a moment to feel if it is aligned with you. If you choose to not engage, expect nothing. Nothing will happen. There’s nothing wrong with that. But if you want something to shift in your life, there needs to be more than just “nothing”. From my viewpoint if you were asked to make a wish, sincerely and genuinely offered, would you respond “nah, I’ll pass” or would you pause and ask yourself “what wish lives in me that wants to come true?” Typically, August brings a focus on the Lionsgate portal among spiritual communities. I am told that spiritual trends can at times be a distraction. Lionsgate on 8/8 is appearing like a door with hinges that swings in both directions. Anyone can access it, but it comes with a warning. This year, be aware that if there is a party light beings are attending, the dark also knows about this party and may be waiting. Light beings are willingly being exploited. If you’re a Game of Thrones fan, think of “The Red Wedding”. If you’re not familiar, and don’t want to watch a gory scene, just know that the term lends to warn it could be a trap and you might be bait. If you choose to honor or utilize the Lions Gate energy, my recommendation would be to focus on your energy and what you want to create, not on the window or gathering during this time. Focus on your path in a sacred, inner peace instead of a shared one. Social media does not need to know what you are doing on August 8th. The Message Here is the most important content of the message that I was shown through what was channeled and received. A lot of what I receive is visual so I will describe it to the best of my ability. There is a doorway being shown on the energetic planes that is normally inaccessible, the door has no handle on the outside, and is locked. The only way to open the door is from the inside. The outline of the door is seen with beautiful golden light shining through. Gold is always a positive indicator. Starting at sunrise on August 12th until sunrise on August 15th a keyhole will appear on our side of the door, giving us a way to find entry and access what is on the other side. The reason it spans from sunrise to sunrise is in alignment with planetary hours because the day begins at sunrise, not at midnight.. Many ancient traditions have worked with energy in this way. The Doorway The best way I can describe the energetic opportunity this doorway is offering would be to compare your life to a car ride in the way it flows. Rather than an inevitable traffic jam, stop lights, breakdowns and accidents making forward movement slow or defeating, you can enter into a cleaner energy with much less difficulty. There are still days that there may be delays or difficulties, but it won’t be like a bad record on repeat that feels destined to stay the same. There will be many more days where life will work out for you vs feeling it is all stacked against you. There may be many people around you who will still be on their own path, stuck or deterred. But yours need not be. You can be “that guy” who is having a great day on most days. What will happen? What blessing will you get? Light code uploads will be accessed and received. This could be compared to upgrading your computer hard drive or removing viruses and self-propagating malware. If you’re already in the fast lane and life is working out, that’s amazing! Maybe look at this energy like ditching the car altogether and getting an airplane! In order to gain access, you will need a key. I will share ways that you can prepare for this shift on your own. I will also be offering additional support and guidance in a group session if you feel called to join in. The most important part is knowing that there is a doorway and a time frame so one important hurdle has been crossed already. You cannot attend a special event if you don’t know when it is. You will not need to go anywhere to find the doorway. It is in front of you, available to you and for you. With anything and everything in life, intention is key. Intention is THE key. Start with intent and make a plan to show up during this window for yourself. Vacations don’t typically happen by themselves, neither will expansion. The universe offers opportunities quite frequently that we may pass up because we are busy or feel on some level undeserving. Just to be clear, no one is excluded from this opportunity. Everyone regardless of story, family, history, trauma, background, spirituality or belief is offered access if they are willing. Starting with the intention that I am willing to transform my life and accept this gift that is being offered to me. Now that you know the timing and location and that intention is key let’s support that with a couple of preparatory steps. Keep in mind that these are suggestions or ideas, not instructions. The pathway is yours to embrace and I truly believe you will know what works and feels best for you. Ask yourself, what limits you? What frees you? If your life feels like the same meal, you have eaten every day for the last 10 years, ask yourself, what would I like to add, what would I like more of? What would I like to eliminate completely and never taste/experience again? Time to Release Let’s start with what limits you. Spend some time identifying what in your life is limiting or binding. Acknowledging what you don’t want to think about can be difficult. It may be easier to think of what you do want, look up the opposite of that and through contrast see what might be limiting and blocking. For example, If you want love in your life, where are you experiencing rejection? A few other energies that I often see that are worth letting go of are guilt, shame, worry, undeserving, unworthiness and self-loathing. If you have a healer or healing modality that aligns with you, call in some allies on this one. Some examples are reiki, therapy, EFT, energy work and shamanic healing. Something like a juice cleanse, hot springs or a bath with Epsom salt can also assist in releasing toxicity. If you don’t have a bathtub, even a shower is effective to visualize what is leaving and going down the drain. You can also create a releasing ceremony by writing down things you want to release and then burning the list or ripping it up into tiny pieces. Feel free to get angry and emotional, we are releasing not withholding. If you’re ready to vomit out all of the toxicity, let it go! Don’t stop in the middle of it. The heaviness can also show up in physical items in your space that need to leave. Take out the old to make room for the new. Taking out the trash in your home is like taking out the trash in your soul. Throw out those old shoes. You aren’t ever going to wear them. Check a few things off of your to do list. This will lighten some mental baggage. Delete old emails and text messages. Liberate yourself from the old. It may feel bitter-sweet to release even though it’s good to have it gone. There is a void where it once was. Be loving with this and allow yourself time. We will be calling in new energy soon but honor this as it leaves. Set Positive Intentions After you’ve unloaded some energy, now it’s time to set your intention for the new energy you would like to invite in and wish for and embrace as part of this new timeline in the story of your life. What makes you feel free? What makes you feel fulfilled? You may not even know if you’ve been caught in a dense cycle, but allow yourself to imagine “what if?” What if I woke up in the morning excited to greet the day ahead of me? What if I felt love beyond measure for myself and others? “What if” instead of “if only”. The “if only“ energy is a barrier. Some common things to ask for that are broad but can form into very specific things would be freedom, abundance, wholeness, peace, love, prosperity, wellness, alignment and oneness. Get creative with this and make it your own. You could write a letter from your future self with love, encouraging you to look up and keep going, better things are coming. You could create a vision board to bring in a more solid feeling. If you have children, invite them to join in and listen to what they have to say. There are so many possibilities! During the window of Sunrise August 12 to sunrise August 15, take time to feel this doorway and realize the gift in front of you. Focus on what you are wishing to bring into your life and what you are wishing to see on the other side. Feel gratitude in your heart to start feeling the shift that is occurring. Feel the warmth and glow of the golden energy and the pathway forming. Go outside and look to the stars as you connect with the grandeur of this time and this moment. You could meditate, spend time in nature or go for a peaceful walk to quiet the external noise. The shift will begin on an innate level and grow from there like beautiful golden particles blessing your life, your body and soul. The world will be a brighter place. Perseids Meteor Shower There is a very noteworthy alignment on this timing. There is a meteor shower called the Perseids that spans from July 17th to August 24th . It will peak around August 13th with 50 to 75 shooting stars per hour. I think of all the times as I grew up and saw a shooting star I was told to “make a wish”. Maybe that folklore is fact when utilized properly. You don’t need to see the falling stars to access it, just as the sun can burn you through the clouds, the stars can bless you while you sleep. We have always looked to the stars, and it is time to realign with that. Group Zoom Calls Group Releasing Session: Group Intention Session: For those of you that would like additional guidance and support in preparation with releasing and setting intention, I will be holding a one-hour group session hosted on Zoom. The first session focusing on releasing is on 7/31/2023 for $55. The second session focused on calling in intention is on 8/14/23 for $44. Space is limited to the first 100 that choose in. Both will be held at 3 pm MDT allowing people in multiple time zones to have accessibility. The sign-up links will be included in the description and transcript accompanying the video. If you cannot make it to the call due to time constraints or other concerns, you can still be included in the energy of the intention as I will be focusing on all that are choosing in. Trust Your Path If you receive this information after August 15th, there is a possibility that you walked through the doorway that was available to you. A moment, a shift in awareness and a feeling that something was different. The inner knowing is a beautiful guide to your life. Learn to listen, love and trust it. Either way, know that your soul is looking for answers, ready to expand and with that, keep going! I don’t know if/when a doorway like this will open again. I do know that there are many paths to arrive at the same place. I trust you are on the perfect path.
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Empaths are more prone to breakdown and having their spiritual immunity compromised because of their already increased sensitivity.
I believe that all of us possess empathic abilities when we are born. Watch a baby or a young child. They are often looking intently at something that appears to be nothing. Babies speak long before they learn to talk; they speak with their eyes and their energy. Young children play freely on their own and “pretend” quite easily, interacting with energies unseen by most of those around them. Most of this innate sensitivity and ability fades over time. Sometimes this happens as a means of self-protection. Most often it occurs because children (and many adults) are told by someone they trust, “That is just your imagination.” I’m sure that the well-meaning parent, friend or sibling is just trying to help the child by wishing away the “boogie man” or saving the person from embarrassment, but as a result they learn to stop engaging in conversations with the fairies, ghosts, angels, guides, or imaginary friends. I had a favorite teddy bear that was real to me. I was devastated when my parents took him away and disposed of him while I was at school. They believed the bear was making me sick, but my unexplainable illness and failure to thrive had much more to do with my spiritual sensitivities than with a teddy bear. I now look back and realize my teddy bear was a physical representation of a guardian or guide. I still love that bear with all of my heart. He is now and will always be “real” to me. I was very young at the time, around 9 or 10, and remember consciously wanting to die. That is painful for me to share, but as a sensitive soul, that was my reality. As a teenager I would pray at night that god would come take me. And every morning when I would awaken, I’d feel as though he had forsaken me…because I was still here. All of this was even more confusing to me because I have an identical twin with the same DNA as me in the physical, but distinct differences and sensitivities as a soul. I believe the same is true for many of you reading this. You may not have consciously wanted to leave this planet, but the feeling of being “different” without any plausible reason creates a tangible sense of confusion, and a feeling of unexplainable isolation while surrounded by others. Many people around you may have felt the same way, or may have been completely oblivious because of programming or lack of soul desire and intention to expand. I call those who seem unwilling to expand “sleepers” or “empties.” This is not a judgment, and I do not view them as “less than” those who are willing. It is simply a way to identify those who are perfectly content to go through life on auto-pilot and cling to limitations by resisting expansion. To be perfectly honest, they may be doing the best that they can. “Ignorance is bliss” may be an apt statement in this case. At times I even envy those who tune it out so easily. In the end, I would rather be me, even if that means learning and expanding through difficult circumstances and means. Through my soul evolution, learning, and healing process, I have brought those sensitivities (strengths) back to the surface in order to use them effectively. Let’s identify and look deeper into some of these empathic qualities. Most individuals who are empaths, who possess naturally increased abilities through their clairs are consciously unaware of their abilities and empathic qualities since this is what they have always known. It’s like a characteristic as simple as hair color to them. It didn’t stand out as something magical or extrasensory. It was just basic! The term “clair” is shorthand for someone who understands how to use their empathy in a way that lets them understand things or be sensitive to that other people may not be able to. There are a lot of way that this might present itself, but let’s break this down into a few categories relating the clairs and sensitivities (strengths) people were born with. Each one of us has some combination of these gifts, at varying degrees of strengths, and we can choose to develop them at any time. Clairvoyance – Clear seeing. Spirit speaks to you directly through mental visions. You may “see” things that actually manifest in the physical. It could be a strong premonition. Most clairvoyants will see images in their mind. This may also come through in dreams. Clairaudience – Clear hearing. Perceiving, as if by hearing, what is inaudible, often as voices, whispers and music. Clairaudient people have the ability to extend their hearing beyond the everyday physical world and the known levels of awareness. Messages are received either audibly or inside the mind. Most of the messages are transmitted telepathically (spirits will converse with you via thought). With this ability, you can speak to spirit in your mind, and will often receive a reply. Clairsentience – Clear feeling or clear sensing. Receiving information through the heart, body and feelings. This manifests as the ability to retrieve information from feeling. Feeling the past, present or future physical and emotional states of people, animals, objects, buildings and property without the use of the normal five senses. You can literally feel emotions of others (seen and unseen) both in your heart and in your body. Claircognizance – Clear thinking. Spirit speaks to your mind through brilliant ideas and the ability to ‘just know’ information. This knowledge often comes spontaneously, but you know with certainty it is 100% accurate. This information can come in the form simply “knowing” the truth of a situation, path or person. Sometimes it comes through facts and figures, that bring a revelation of what you are picking up on intuitively (we all love proof!). Here are descriptions for you to explore deeper where some of your innate strengths are, and raise awareness for those you would like to develop consciously. All of these qualities require clear boundaries for optimal utilization. We will be covering that in “Ways to strengthen spiritual immunity.” Clairvoyance Qualities: Clear seeing • A very active dream life • Spends time daydreaming • Vivid imagination • Uses the words “I see” when speaking to others • Has a knack for metaphors and uses them effectively to portray thoughts or feelings • Invents parables to portray a point or principle (to help others “see clearly”) • Clearly sees colors and objects while meditating • May see sparks of light and colors out of the corner of their eye • Has the ability to see auras and energy around people Clairaudience Qualities: Clear hearing • Listens more than they talk • Hears and follows multiple conversations at the same time while in a public setting • Often talks to animals or plants and feels they are connecting and communicating back • Receives information telepathically • Uses the words “I hear” in conversation, especially when relating to others • Gives profound advice and specific insight and when asked, “Where did that come from?” or “Can you repeat what you just said?” doesn’t know, or it’s already gone from their memory • Sometimes hears ringing or buzzing in the ears • At times a pressure or sensation like the need to “pop your ears,” similar to when changing elevation Clairsentience Qualities: Clear feeling or sensing • Highly sensitive to surroundings and easily picks up on the ‘vibe’ of a place or person (“I have a bad feeling” or “I have a good feeling” immediately) • A deep sense of understanding others without even speaking • Can feel the physical pain others are experiencing, and even identify the location on their body • When visiting a place with large crowds or even a grocery store checkout line, may experience unexplainable emotional or physical reactions • When around other people or while visiting their homes, emotions or sense of well-being sometimes shift inexplicably • Energetically provides a sense of safety and welcoming , so much that people, even strangers, may share intimate details and secrets • Feels the presence of spirits, or feels something “off” when in a place where a spirit might be (sensitive to places that are haunted) • Tends to use the words “I feel” in conversation when relating to others • Smells and tastes energy or information coming through (some can even “smell” cancer or disease) Claircognizance Qualities: Clear thinking • Has a difficult time “turning off” their brain, with thoughts always circulating • Human truth detector -- can tell with certainty if someone is telling the truth or lying • Receives the answer to something they were wondering about or information about something they were pondering • Easily receives creative, inspirational, even revolutionary ideas • Frequently uses the words “I know” in conversations with others • Most likely has trouble sleeping Most of what I pick up on is from astral projection and remote viewing. That is the method I use to see that truth of what is, perform healing, and receive messages. I intentionally raise all of my clairs simultaneously as I journey. I call it “deep diving.” In my day-to-day life, it is turned down to a low hum. I do not walk around connecting with everything around me. It would feel obtrusive to me if I was. Also, I’m confident it would be exhausting. By doing this, I set a boundary for my personal well-being. I only receive messages, insight or information that is urgent. ![]() Ancestral/Generational Issues and Disempowerments Just as we receive specific physical attributes from our parents on a DNA level, we also receive imprinted soul patterns that come along with that DNA. Ancestral patterns are passed down from generation to generation, and can show up in many different ways. Let’s begin by going over the nature and origin of ancestral patterns. Ancestral patterns come into existence when one of our ancestors experiences an unresolved trauma or issue that affects them on a very deep level. You may have known people who have incurred a serious loss or trauma, either from life circumstances, abuse, natural disasters, or even near death experiences. Often, even though they get through the event, something about them looks physically different immediately following the trauma. That’s because something has indeed changed deep down on a cellular and soul level. When something like this happens and remains unresolved, the trauma can be passed down to following generations on a soul level. An ancestral pattern may have come into existence dozens of generations back, or just a few. We can begin to identify and heal ancestral pattern sources with or without a basic knowledge about direct lineage. I will give you some examples. If your ancestor fought in a battle decades or even centuries ago, he came back a different person, carrying the weight of sorrow and anguish, even survivor’s guilt. He was literally a changed man. He then had a son. That son inherited not only your ancestor’s eye and hair color, but also some of the war trauma-related energy, since it was unresolved. Years and generations down the line, that inherited trauma will no longer show up directly as war trauma. It might show up in the form of an unhealthy coping mechanism such as alcoholism, as depression (diagnosed or undiagnosed), or as an inability to open up emotionally. However it presents, it will appear most prominently in the men of the family, since the original trauma was experienced by a male ancestor. Let’s take another scenario. Imagine the wife of a sailor who was lost at sea. Imagine that wife was pregnant when she received the news that her husband was lost in the storm. We know now from our science that the mother’s chemical reaction to her stress would absolutely be experienced by her unborn child. Nobody would question that now that we know how pregnancy works. But the mother’s actual grief and sorrow can also be transferred to the unborn child at the soul level. Regardless of whether the child is male or female, the child comes into the world already carrying a heavy sense of abandonment, without even knowing why. Through an ancestral pattern, this sense of abandonment, if left unresolved, will be passed down to the children of that child. Generations down the line, their descendants may always have a sense of being alone in the world, with no allies, abandoned and alone even in a room full of people who love them. Or they may always feel like “something is missing” even if there’s nothing obviously out of place. They may struggle to fully invest in relationships, because they can never bring themselves to commit, being fearful of how much it would hurt if the relationship ends. Some families have an ancestral pattern that shows up for them as a streak of what they think of as “bad luck.” Perhaps there is a pattern of strange accidents or incidents involving fire. This may very well stem from an ancestor whose life was destroyed by a fire. Perhaps they lost loved ones, or lost all of their possessions and had to start their lives over without any means. Other families may experience a similarly unexplainable pattern of events that involve water instead of fire. You may have an ancestor who committed a crime and carried the guilt, and so you have inherited a sense of guilt even though you’ve done nothing to feel guilty about. Perhaps you can never really shake the sense that you might have caused harm, regardless of your actual behavior. Or maybe you have an ancestor who was the victim of a crime and carried a victim mentality for the rest of their life. Perhaps this allows you to be taken advantage of by others, or contributes to you playing the role of the victim as your native state, even though there are no practical limits to your empowerment. There may have been an arranged marriage, with no love ever developing between the husband and wife. The children born from that arranged marriage enter life sensing at a soul level that they lack love. Even though they are loved, they still carry that energy of constantly being in a love deficit. Maybe they have a general feeling that they aren’t good enough, have no love to give, or are incapable of accepting love. I have seen ancestral patterns show up in countless ways. I can’t list them all here, but I hope these examples give you a general idea of how ancestral patterns work, and in what ways ancestral patterns may be taking away power in your life today. There are many innocent people who are affected by the actions and experiences of their ancestors. Most ancestral patterns will affect all of the men in a family, or all of the women. For example, if the trauma occurred with a male it most likely won’t affect his daughter, but it might affect his grandson. You may start to see commonalities between your mother, grandmother and sisters, or your father, uncle and nephews. Even if you can’t think of a particular pattern or occurrence, you can still successfully resolve a pattern that might not be obvious, because it has become “normal” to you. But if you look at it with ancestral patterns in mind, and you learn about your family heritage, you might start to see their commonalities in a different light. Ancestral patterns can be identified and healed in a Shamanic Healing session. Ancestral Patterns existing in you personally can also be addressed and healed through enrolling in the Personal Empowerment training series. Some students have continued on through to the Honor of Healing Others training series to learn how to heal Ancestral Patterns for clients and loved ones. If you choose to engage in this level of healing, your ancestors will be very grateful to you. If the ancestor who originated the pattern has karmic implications attached to their actions, you may not be able to resolve it for them, but you can resolve it for the innocent ones who followed and “inherited” the pattern. Note: Not all members of a bloodline will choose to accept ancestral pattern healing. As always, they have free will to accept and receive the healing work, or to reject it. Some bloodline members will be grateful to no longer hold themselves as victims, while others could cling to victimhood. Some may have attached the ancestral pattern attributes to their identity. For example, a member of a bloodline suffering from an ancestral pattern of anger may think that their anger makes them powerful. Since others are threatened by their anger, the bloodline member may enjoy that feeling of power. Instead of embracing anger in a healthy manner, as an emotion to be experienced and released, they may choose to hang onto the ancestral pattern and behaviors. They may choose to feed it, to allow it to foul every other facet of their experience, and the experiences of those around them. You can’t control that, and shouldn’t try to control it. Once you heal the ancestral pattern, each bloodline member is newly empowered to choose for themselves. Before the healing was performed, on some level, they had no choice. The restoration of empowerment for yourself is your role. Ancestral healing is often a sacred agreement that you make to heal yourself and your family. Those ancestors will be in gratitude for the burden lifted from them by you and the will start showing up as allies for you on your journey. ![]() I am often asked, “What is most beneficial: a healing session, or a teaching/training session?” I find that the two go hand in hand. When I conduct a healing session, the information presented and the issues addressed provide new insight and perspective. And we learn from that new insight and perspective; the learning leads to healing. Learning Through Healing Sometimes the learned information applies uniquely to that client. Other times beautiful, fundamental, universal truths that apply to everyone are presented in a new light specifically for the client’s current path. Had we not done the healing session, we would not have discovered the opportunity for the client to apply the universal truth to their day-to-day. The client’s needs for this Universal Truth may show up during a healing session as a misalignment in their energy body, or an imbalance with a chakra. The misalignment may mean that there are relationships, thought patterns or belief systems that are literally sucking the joy out of their day-to-day experience, leaving them depleted. It’s important to see those leaks and drains for what they are so they can be addressed and remedied. When they go unaddressed, it’s like driving a car with a leaky gas tank. Let me give you an example of one universal truth, and how it can benefit everyone, but benefit individuals in ways that apply specifically to them. Have To vs. Choose To Thought patterns such as “I have to” or “I’m obligated to” or “I need to” are all energy sucks or leaks, even though the statements themselves may be entirely true. Say the following phrases out loud:
Alternatively, the phrase “I choose to” comes from a space of empowerment, and is really the truth in everything we do. You don’t have to get up in the morning; you don’t have to shower; you don’t have to do anything! Instead, embrace the perspective that you are choosing to act, and reinforce your choice with the reason why. Here are some examples:
Healing Through Learning We are all unique in our paths and experiences. Through teaching/training, we learn techniques to connect with the energies or belief systems that affect us individually in a positive or a negative way. One of us may believe, “I am unlovable,” while another may believe, “I am entirely lovable.” Others may believe “I am stupid” or “I am weak” or “I’m not important enough to matter.” These hidden belief systems are like computer viruses: they start small, then infiltrate and threaten our entire system. Most of the time the mind will compensate and override the belief purely out of the drive to survive; but that extra effort can be exhausting. Most of the time, we don’t even realize how exhausted we are, because we’ve carried the weight of the belief system for so long. I teach a technique in my Personal Empowerment Series that empowers you to find all the outdated beliefs that affect you negatively, identify the source from which each belief originates, and remove the damaging energy. To continue the computer analogy, it’s like upgrading from a very old operating system to a modern one that’s much faster…much more effective in your day-to-day life. Sure, you could continue to limp along, but why, when there’s a better faster more enjoyable virus-free system? It’s best to remove the virus, repair the damage, and move forward free of it. Remember dial-up? Energies from old belief systems are VERY much like if we still used dial-up today even though there are many faster methods. It didn’t seem slow back in the day because we didn’t know any better. But when we learn that there’s something better, faster, more effective, we become suddenly aware of the energy drain we didn’t even know was there before. During the Personal Empowerment Series, part of what we do is learn to become aware of all the “dial-ups” still hanging around in our lives, and heal ourselves of their damage. What If I Don’t Want To Learn? What If I Just Want To Be Healed? I truly believe that we all have our own answers; that we all have the ability to both learn and heal. And I see my belief reinforced nearly every day. So many times, a client with whom I’ve been having regularly scheduled healing sessions will come to their “call to action” moment; that moment when they realize it’s time for them to become accountable for their own healing; time for them to learn the valuable techniques and tools that I provide as a service during healing sessions, so they can provide them as a service to themselves. When they have that moment, they really start to become powerful. I feel the most effective healers are those who are willing to teach what they do. Anything short of that feels out of alignment to me. That’s why I developed my Personal Empowerment and Advanced Journeying and Self Healing curriculum: to allow my clients to empower themselves to heal themselves. To me, a healer who isn’t willing to teach their clients to heal themselves is just creating a loop of need. In a very real way, that kind of healer keeps their clients sick. Often on our life path, even when we struggle, we gain treasures along the way. Those treasures are often the relationships and perspectives that come with experience. I see everyone led to me as an individual. I see each individual as someone who has come to me to seek an ally, a peer, and a teacher on their personal path. I do not view my clients and students as “less than” or “needy.” If you are reading this now, I believe you are here in my space because you are like me, not because you need me. You Were Never Intended To Do This Alone Yes, there are times when a person may require a few healing sessions to get to a place of stability and sustainability; to get to a solid space within which they are able to take on teaching and training. Compare it to repairing a broken bone; sure, the initial trauma should be addressed with a doctor as an ally. But after a certain point in the process, the right next step is self-care and physical therapy at home. At a certain point, the right next step in sustainable healing is to learn to heal yourself. If you take my courses, then later come to a time when you seek additional guidance and insight, it’s normal and useful to reach out and schedule a session. I’m happy to show up for you in this capacity. Sometimes it’s nice to call in an ally when your own work seems heavy, or you reach a block you can’t break through on your own, or you’re simply seeking additional guidance and support. I have allies that I know I can count on, and I’m stronger with them than without them. I am committed to you as your ally. But as importantly…more importantly, I am committed to teaching you to develop yourself as your strongest ally. If you’re open to healing, you’ll learn. If you’re willing to learn, you’ll heal. |
Insights from Amy FarnsworthHere are a few points of interest I find are useful to share with you. Archives
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